Borobudur Temple, Indonesia

"Borobudur is Borobudur", meaning that Borobudur Temple is very unique in her own way. Nieuwenkamp  (an artist) imaginated Borobudur as "a big lotus flower budready to bloom" which was "floating" on a lake.

Bara : sanskrit word,, "Vihara which means a monastery or a complex of temples
Budur : budur is from the Balinese term "Beduhur" which means "up high"

Thus, Borobudur means a monastery or a complex of temples perched on a hill

    Located 40 kilometers (25 mi) northwest of Yogyakarta, Borobudur,South of Magelang in the Province of Jawa Tengah (Central Java. Borobudur located in an elevated area between two twin volcanoes,  Sundoro-Sumbing and Merbabu-Merapi, and two rivers, the Progo and the Elo. According to local myth, the area known as Kedu Plain is a Javanese 'sacred palace' and has been dubbed 'the garden of Java' due to its high agricultural fertility. Nieuwenkamp, developed a theory that Kedu Plain was once a lake and Borobudur initially represented a lotus flower floating on the lake. Lotus flowers are found in almost every Buddhist work of art, often serving as a throne for buddhas and base for stupas. Borobudur is built as a single large stupa, and when viewed from above. It takes the form of a giant tantric Buddhist mandala, simultaneously representing the Buddhist cosmology and the nature of mind. The foundation is a square, approximately 118 meters (387 ft) on each side. It has nine platforms, of which the lower six are square and the upper three are circular
The upper platform features seventy-two small stupas surrounding one large central stupa. Each stupa is bell-shaped and pierced by numerous decorative openings. Statues of the Buddha sit inside the pierced enclosures.  
The overall height was 42 meters, but was only 34.5 meters after restoration, and had the dimension of 123 x 123 meters (15,129 square meters). There were 10 floors. The first floor up to the sixth floor was square form, the seventh to the tenth floor were round form.
Borobudur is facing to the East with a total of 1460 panels (2 meters wide each). Total size of the temple walls was 2500 square meters, full of relief. The total number of panels with relief was 1212. According to investigations, the total number of Buddha statue was 504 including the intact and damaged statues.
The relief of Borobudur temple started from the base of the temple up to the fourth platform. The relieves at the base contained the story of Karmawibhangga. Under the main panel and above the Karmawibhangga relief, a wide-sized relief was inscripted at the wall. According to Stutterheim, the overall form of Borobudur Temple is a combination of zigurat (middle Asian Pyramid) and Indian stupa. Stutterheim opinion was supported by the existence of this type of form in Ancient Javanese literature. 

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