
Mandala is a Sanskrit word that means "circle". The basic form of most Hindu and Buddhist mandalas is a square with four gates containing a circle with a center point. These mandalas, concentric diagrams, have spiritual and ritual significance in both Buddhism and Hinduism.

In various spiritual traditions, mandalas may be employed for focusing attention of aspirants and adepts, as a spiritual teaching tool, for establishing a scared space, and as an aid to meditation and trance induction.

Hinduism : yantra normally refers to Hindu contexts and practices, while mandala normally refers to Buddhist contexts and practices. Mandala is sometimes used as a cross-over term in Hindu contexts.

Buddhism : Tibetan for mandala in Vajrayana Buddhism usually depicts a landscape of the "Buddha -land" 

Christianity : forms which are evocative of mandalas are prevalent in Christianity: the celtic rose; the rosary; the halo; the aureole; oculi; the crown of thorns; rose windows; the Rosy Cross; and the dromenon on the floor of Chartres Chatedral.

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